Sunday, August 3, 2008

She turns 7

Our beautiful, sweet, caring oldest child turned 7 today.

I can not believe that my oldest baby is SEVEN years old. Do you know that in just 6 short years I will be the proud owner of a teen-ager *GASP* It still seems like yesterday that I heard that first sweet cry from her, and today she stands as a confident young lady, and the joys of life lay ahead. Entering the second grade and ready to take it all on with that captivating smile.

We spent the day following this pre-pre teen around the mall of her choice and then eating what she wanted. The day was wonderful. I love celebrating my babies birthdays and watching them bask in the day that is all theirs.

As I mentioned before we will be celebrating birthdays all month, and will have a combined party for the three together on August 16th, and do not worry I will no doubt cover you with more pictures than you would ever want to look at. I know you will be waiting with bated breath!

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