Saturday, June 6, 2009

Room 6309

We are home from our Florida trip.
Let me begin by saying that our children (ours and Mistys and Bryans) are very good kids. Quite the troopers. They were total troopers with the ride down and the ride home. They sat in that stuffed van for 16 hours and only mildly complained. They toted around Orlando and down to the beach with big smiles and even were *mostly* patient during our Gymboree excursion....*ahem...Hayden* Not naming names or anything.........haha! Ahem...Moving on....

The trip down was nice, we stayed in Macon GA, rested some, I had a horrible sinus infection but dealt with it. We arrived on Saturday and checked into our really nice room, rested and went to bed early.
Sunday we were excited to meet Dana and her family, and to also take advantage of an awesome Gymboree sale :D. We went to the Florida Mall, enjoyed our shopping, and eating at the mall foot you know what nine kids under the age of 7 looks like? Let me tell was a mess. We got to have fun at the M and M superstore (do you know they charge $12.00 a pound for M and Ms there???) We went grocery shopping and I noticed that Makayla seemed quiet...I checked her temperature...she was definitely feverish at 102. biggie, probably just some little something, let it go with some Tylenol. We had plans to go to the beach on Monday...that didn't happen.

Cameron woke up in the wee hours of the morning (like so wee that mama hadn't been to bed yet) vomiting. OH NO! sigh....Olivia followed that morning...but they seemed ok by mid morning so we went swimming and enjoyed the afternoon. Makayla had a temperature again that night, what the cause was is still a mystery.

Tuesday we did go to the beach. We stopped in the Cocoa Beach area and visited the Ron Jon surf shop, then continued down to Satellite Beach, where we met up with Dana, Landon, Bryce and Alaina. The kids had a blast, they loved playing in the waves and digging for shells in the sand. We went to Danas house and visited with them for a while and ate supper. We got back to the room, lo and behold...Makaylas temperature was back...and now Cameron had one. Seriously??? What the heck is going on. I could have packed up and left. (In fact I did beg MA to "just come get me")

Wednesday we spent swimming and lounging, Dana and Erik came over for supper that night (chicken, peppers and onions and red potatoes on the grill..mmm mmm). The night ended with a great visit and no sign of sickness. YAY!

Thursday Erik and Dana played tour guide and took us to Down Town Disney and the outlet mall. We had a blast seeing all the Disney stuff, and the Leggo store was so cool!

We went back to the resort and it was pouring down no swimming. We fixed a quick dinner and Dana and Erik came back to say good bye. After a short visit, I needed to run to Wal-Mart to pick up a few things for the trip home and began to not feel well. I came back to the room and began packing. I had to stop packing and lay down.

Before the night was over I was very very ill. Misty was up and down with me all night even checking on me when I passed out in the floor. She got up after sleeping only very little and packed the van alone with all of our junk, rounded and got the kids in the van while I dragged out behind her. We checked out of the resort and went to Wal-Mart to pick up my Phenergan prescription that I had begged be called in. I popped it and passed out. Misty drove all the way with me pretty much comatose, she was a real trooper, I owe her big. In Cobb Co GA she smacked my arm and jolted me awake...we had been pulled over. She said her cruise was set at 65 but the Police Man said he clocked her at 71, in a 50 mph zone, and in a construction zone. Nice. We continued...(at the speed limit...while cars zoomed by us on every side) and as the day went on I was feeling stronger but still very groggy from the drugs. Misty pushed to get us all the way home but gave out around Murfreesboro TN. We stopped and got a room for the night. That was a nice bed. We got up early and we smelled about as good as we shower, we didn't even have a change of clothes. We stopped in Bowling Green KY to run into the mall to return and exchange a few Gymboree items...haha...boy did we look great. We got more than one look. We decided to eat at the mall and then head home. Two hours later we drove back into home sweet home.

As we neared home Olivia's eyes looked...weak and a little runny, by the time we got home it was obvious, it was pink eye...haha...I'm just laughing at this point. What else to do? The kids are tired, and a little grouchy but glad to be home.

Now a week later I am so glad we are home, but feel stronger for having done it. I still owe Misty a meal at Garcias. I am so glad she was there with me, she also really showed her strength...I haven't asked her but I know she feels stronger for having made this trip.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Day 3 and 4

Days three and four have run together a bit...and not in a good way.

Makayla had a fever on Saturday night and part of the day Sunday, with no other real sypmtoms, and then last night Cameron vomited...followed this morning by Olivia. Nice.

We have used approximately half of a container of Tide, a bottle of bleach and a can and a half of Lysol to clean and disinfect. Then tonight...Makayla AND Cameron have temperatures again. This is not fun anymore, we are 16 hours from home, I dont have my hubby or my mama...I could seriously pack up the van in the morning and drive home. (Captian Obvious would like to take this moment to point out that I am a bit whiney and somewhat down in the dumps tonight....ok..carry on). I don't know what is wrong with my babies that is causing them to have fevers and the puke....oh the puke...I hate puke.

We have managed to do some fun things, we got to meet Dana and her adorable family and her very patient husband yesterday (as well as enjoy some Gymboree shopping) and swim and play in the water today.

Lets take a look at these fun pictures, and hopefully bring me out of this funk that I find myself in tonight.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

We have arrived

We arrived at our resort around 5pm today. It is a really nice place and has lots of fun activities, not to mention the shopping and beach plans we have for the week.

We would like to take this moment to praise GOD for the safe travel he provided to us and for the fun we have already had and for the safety and fun that we have still awaiting us.

.....more tomorrow....

Day Two

I am finishing up my free continental breakfast, Misty has gone to get hers. We have carted enough food to our room for the six children, and gotten more than a few raised eyebrows.

Oh's free...and let me tell you, when you are vacationing with six kids on a is a word you really like.

Yesterday was a long day of driving, my dad says that the route we chose to take south added on an extra 100 miles to our much for thinking we were smarter than the Garmin. The kids all traveled really well, no major issues, save a few emergency potty breaks and Olivia learning that she could wrap her little toes around the cord to Cameron's DVD player and unplug it...this caused more than one scene. All things considered the day was a success.

Oh...get will be so proud...two girls from small town Kentucky hit Atlanta at 5 O'Clock...rush hour...AND there was a detour that took us right through down town...that was interesting but we did it with the hand of God on the top of our van, and calming my nerves.

We arrived safely at our hotel in Georgia for the night and took the kids to the pool for a dip and back up to shower and pizza. Talk about passing out when their bellies were full..they were zonked.

The babies are still sleeping, nope scratch that...I see one set of eye two sets...they are wont be long now until we are back on the road. We *think* from looking at map quest, we have about 400 miles to go today, so some less than what we drove yesterday.

Updates when we get there......

Friday, May 29, 2009

On the road

As I speak I am traveling down I-75 with a life long friend and our SIX children. Makayla being the oldest.

Say Hi Misty.......

She says Hi.

Misty...put your hands back on the are driving!

We are heading to Orlando FL, we will be arriving tomorrow afternoon, we are staying in Georgia tonight. So many pictures and posts to come....but for now, enjoy this glimpse into our stuffed mini-van...dubbed "The Red Rocket". It sort of resembles one of those trick cans of snakes, you know the ones that you open and it flys open and the snakes pop out with force. Yep...that is our van.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

A Grape with legs

Do you know someone in your life, that when you run into them, speak to them, stand in their oxygen area you immediately are transported back to high school?

The insecurities come rushing back and you are that teenager; fighting acne, wondering if "he" likes me. Does my hair look stupid, my jeans aren't the right color, do I have a make up line? Oh Snap...what if I have a booger? "That" girl is walking down the hall on the other side, and you think, "what if she doesn't speak to me" as you square your shoulders and pretend not to care just in case she doesn't or to look your most secure in case she does. As she comes closer, she looks up and speaks. "YESSSSSSSS...I got a hello" I am accepted today. SNAP...did I have a booger? I bet I do! NOOOOOOOOOOOO....she is going to go tell everyone that I have a huge booger and I will just DIE!

Tell me you have someone like that in your life....tell me! If you don't I will just DIE!

No seriously...A woman whom is perfect, hair is always fixed, make up is impeccable, clothes that you could only wish to wear...possibly you could snap those jeans around your left thigh if you sucked it in really hard. She is 18 feet tall and 110lbs, you are 5ft something and *mumbles*lbs. She has an important job that sounds so important that you aren't even sure you know what the title means. She walks off as you are still mumbling about your three small children at home, hoping to make the excuse for why you weigh *mumbles* lbs, and why your hair was only brushed this morning (you hope it was brushed) and your cotton shorts you grabbed from the clean clothes basket on the way out the door have some sort of mystery stain, (because she, of course, doesn't have any children yet). Make up? Forget it.

As she exits your sight you are left standing in the wake feeling short and frumpy...a grape with legs. *sigh* As you waddle off to finish your original errand that drew you from your recliner this day, (if you can remember why you are there to begin with) you sigh and hope you didn't sound too stupid....or have a booger.

Then you come home, hug your three precious babes and thank GOD that you don't have the time to worry about your make up...there are more important things to hold your attention.

But....maybe it's just me, I doubt anyone else has a person in their lives like that.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Well....this is interesting...

Hmmm.....This is the last week of school. Filled with parties, field day, awards night, lots of fun stuff. However our family is not participating in any of this. Why you ask? We have fallen victim to a Chicken Pox outbreak.

Yes we have.

All of our children have been vaccinated so thankfully the cases appear to be very mild, none-the-less we are stuck in the house because, according to my grandmother, they can not go outside and play or even take a bath. So picture this...three kids...sunny weather, in the house non-stop for two days....starting on the third day tomorrow.

Send help....and ice cream....and Benadryl.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

A Drive By

yes...I know..I have read all two of your scathing messages telling me that I am still slacking on my blogging duties. All 5 of my readers please forgive me :)

I am going to just do a drive by today...These last two weeks have been insanely busy, including a ROCKING yard sale (that totally kicked mine and Misty's hind-ends) End of the school year festivities...culminating this coming week.

Blue is not yet back up...much to the dismay of Makayla...who asks daily when we will make this fun happen for her.

But..I have some very exciting news to announce.....

MA is officially employed again!!! His start date should be this week...still waiting on one last piece of red tape to be complete but he has been called back to Con-Way! Our old job back with benefits, pay and seniority intact :D. GOD is definitely good! HE has sustained us through this difficult time and will continue to do so. We give HIM all the praise and glory!

I wanted to give a fast update and will do my best to give a more complete update later this should slow down some.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Easter 2009's me.

Yes, I am aware that Easter (or Resurrection Celebration...yes mom...I know) was a few weeks ago, I am just now telling you all about it.

It was actually a very atypical Easter for us. No family dinners, no Easter egg hunts..nothing...nada.

We went to church, ate a lot of candy and played out side all afternoon. That evening I cooked spaghetti and meatballs (from scratch......bow to me...) and invited mom and dad over to eat.

However.....I still took some pictures and will share them with you...

Look how sweet in their green! We all wore green...MA was sooo happy....he he he.

Look at the fun Easter baskets...mmm...DOVE chocolate bunnies...I think those disappeared...hmmm..wonder what happened to them?? I just don't know.

Digging in to the baskets! The best part!


Many more posts to much I need to share with you all. In due time though....Will turned 16, 11 year anniversary, PROM, new swing set, evil much! I promise...a new post every night until we are all caught up. Get ready to READ!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

She is a Killer

Almost two years ago, we brought Zarie home. My grandmother was less than excited that we had acquired a German Shepherd. Among the other grim predictions that she had made, my personal favorite was that we were NOT to call her when the dog ate all of our children. We promised to not ring her phone upon this event unfolding.

Tonight, as Zarie is perched to possibly fulfill this prediction I would like to take a few minutes to look at this vicious dog.

See her here....she is contemplating....she is planning

*I think she is trying to decide if she wants to exert enough energy to get up and walk to her water dish*

Vicious, huge, daunting paws........ready to strike at any second....

*strike at the stuffed animal Makayla left for her to play with*

EEEEK! The mouth of a killer!

*when she wakes up...I think that mouth will kill the water left in her dish....WHEN she wakes up*

Oh OH..her eyes are out!

*if you disturb her...and she stretches...sometimes she farts...none of us want that*

So there you go....a look at a killer....beware..........BEWARE!!

*you are afraid aren't you?*

*I know I am*

Friday, March 27, 2009

He Returns!

Check it out..Check it out!!! Look at the flat-ness.....the smooth no-holes in my back yard, no dirt piles, smooth-ness of the back yard (and BLUE out there waiting his turn to be played in this summer)

Now....Now....Now Check out my FRONT YARD!

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOK!!! WHEEEEEEEEE!!! Now we just have to put more grass seed out to make it green again.

But...NO more holes...NO more piles of dirt...
Thank you "Brown" (as Olivia calls him) Doesn't Brown do a good job with his toys?

Friday, March 20, 2009


Although it rained, Bryan did fix our driveway so we could once again drive and park on it. This means that the pile of rock is now gone.

Check-pile of rock gone

The holes are filled in, though the pile of dirt is still in my yard, it is smaller. The hole in the back yard has been filled in, but will require more dirt, as it is sinking.

Then came the rain.....

and the work stopped.....

So here it sits. I could cry if it would make it better. The mud is enough to make me crazy. There is not a place that we can walk with out tracking mud into the house or into the van.

The good news is that our swing set is going up on the one patch of grass left. Bryan will come and finish it, he has been gone all week for work...come back Bryan! PLEASE!!!

Septic tank covered-check
hole filled in, back yard-check (sort of)
bright blue water line buried-check
functioning septic system-check (PRAISE GOD)
Pile of dirt gone-not yet
smoldering pile of brush gone-check

it is better...I just want it done.....yes I know I am impatient.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Another day of digging

Another day begins with a problem. As Bryan, on the big yellow lawn ornament, began to dig the lateral lines that come out from the septic tank, he wasted no time in one again finding our water line.

This picture looks suspiciously like the last broken water line man stooped over the hole working and one or two others watching and offering their support. (and they call women strange for going to the restroom together) See Zarie in the back ground, she is supervising.

Look, the smoldering pile of brush that was the fire...

They decided that our old water line was too close to the surface anyway, and needed to be replaced. Mmm..hmmm.... of course this has nothing to do with the fact that he just shredded our old line does it?

Naaaaa. that water supposed to be dripping from the line Bryan? Is there supposed to be a puddle under it?

He assures me that it is fine...umm...ok then.

Ah yes..this is much better..a bright blue water line ON TOP of the ground... lets review;

A large gaping hole in our front yard...with a new septic tank in it
A large gaping hole in our back yard...with sewage in it.
A track-ho
A Bull-dozer
A smoldering pile of brush
A pile of dirt
A pile of rock
and a bright blue water line my yard.................

Yes...I do think I could use some ice cream...thank you.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

It's Here!

It is a bright and clear early Friday morning. What do I see pulling in the driveway? $747.00. Folks, if you want to know what $747.00 looks it is backing up to the new gaping hole in my front yard.

Back it up..Back it up..Back it up...
(Cameron says this all the time, it is very cute)
There is Makayla watching the truck...she was better...(but not well enough to go to school mmm hmmmm)

Here is my dads new puppy..Chay (pronounced Shy). She is watching the happenings...I swear he loves that dog more than us.

The very nice man driving the septic tank truck...what a crappy job....hahahah! Yes I know that was a very bad pun.

Guiding the several hundred pound tank into the ground.

Here is my dad and the nice truck driver man lowering the tank into the ground.

Lil Miss Olivia watching. (you know there has to be some cute-ness in the midst of all the dirt)

Almost there!

Well..he was he wants our money so he can leave. Bye mean..Bye nice septic tank truck driver man!

Makayla has found Chay...she could care less about the truck, the tank or the big toys in the front yard.

The rest of the day was spent fairly uneventfully, not much progress was made on the tank or septic system. Bryan spent some time leveling out the yard and then..and then...and then...

My dad decided to set the big pile of dead brush on fire NEXT to my house. Why would we want to move it away or you know...wait until the WIND is NOT blowing?? Naah...Lets just burn it.
Look a pile of rock in my drive way.

Sorry...what was I talking about?

Look my boy is playing on the big toy! I love this picture.
I love this picture is really cool huh?

What was I talking about again?
Oh yes...the fire....Next to my house.

To be continued......