Saturday, June 28, 2008

Who needs bathing suits?

Not anybody in this house.

While outside playing this week, Cameron started getting hot. He took the water hose and partially filled a bucket and dumped it on his head. When I inquired as to what he was doing, he said he was hot. Following suit, Makayla then started dumping water on herself. Until they were both drenched and wanted to take off their wet clothes. So they did. **we live in the county and our back yard is completely shielded from sight**

Next, they decided it would be fun to swim now, so they took off to BLUE. Both diving in. They swam happily like that for over an hour until it was time to come in for supper.

They have continued this every day since, playing hard outside, getting hot, stripping down and going swimming. My father would be horrified if he drove up!

I so wish I could be that strip to my skivies and jump in the pool!

Of course, anybody who might see me would call the police and turn us in for keeping an albino balooga whale in our pool...oh well.

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