Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Introductions *Part four; Cameron*

We arrive at our fourth installment of the introductions. Tonight we will discuss Cameron.

Cameron came into this world via scheduled C-section at 9:03AM on August 6, 2003. An adorable 7lbs 3oz and 191/2in, he was perfect.

I remember from day one, he made this adorable little face that slightly resembled an angry bull dog when something displeased him.

this is not the bull dog face, but look at his cute little bum

He has grown into an amazing little boy. He has the sweetest heart. He is pure sugar with a little lemon juice. He is inquisitive, smart, sweet and giving, a truly amazing kid.

He is definitely all boy. Just today MA and I heard a huge THUD in his room while he was supposed to be resting. MA jumped and ran in there and our little sweet son was showing his lemon juice. He was standing on a side table playing Spider Man when the table fell, and so did he. I swear, he is going to make my hair grey.

He routinely calls me his "princess" and kisses my hand. While it makes my heart melt, I wonder what he is planning to do next that will require some forgiveness. But how could you stay mad at this face for long?

Or this one?

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