Thursday, June 26, 2008

Thursday is cooking day!

In an attempt to make our summer vacation more than Sponge Bob and swimming pools, we have a loosely made schedule. This loose schedule, however, includes a cooking day every Thursday. The Thursday cooking day is never forgotten. My little piggies always remember this day. Today, we made "scratch brownies" or we made brownies not from the box. Lets take a look at this in pictures shall we?

waiting impatiently to get started, while I take pictures

pour in the sugar!

every body gets a turn to add something

the kids didn't think it looked like brownies yet...what do you think?

stir stir stir! (yes she is wearing a diaper, but her Buddha belly is covering it, but those red shoes will always be on, she adores them!)

EVERYbody must stir too...

and I do mean everybody....

**at this point there was a lot of..."she is stirring longer than I did!" "no I'm not!" "yes you are!" you get the idea........

ready for the oven!

the finished product..look we got fancy and "dusted" it with powdered sugar

mmmmmm...first bite!

I think this tells you all you need to know!
This is one of the most fun days of the week, not only do we get to eat yummy things that we made with our own hands, and nothing ever from a box, no we do it all from scratch. But we get to learn about measurements, tempratures, why certain recipes need eggs, why some don't need flour and what each of these ingredients do. How to read recipes and follow the directions. It is a great time!


Michelle said...

mmmm... brownies...thanks for reminding me to make some (with spinach as I'm nice like that ;-) I really like your helpers as well..

ashley goomey said...

yummy....your making me hungry :) Love the spongebob shirt LOL. Olivia is so funny with her shoe fetish.