Friday, June 6, 2008

Introductions *Part Two; MA and I*

Here we go with the second installment of introductions. I feel your excitement, I do. I know that you are just brimming with anticipation of getting to know how MA and I met.

He and I met at Kroger. He was working there, and I came in to apply for a job. He says he remembers seeing me that day, and also says that he remembers I was "hot" *blush*. I, however, was focused on making a good impression on the supervisor he was working with. I was 16, he was 18. I also, was dating his best friend.

Well, I got the job. I got to know him, but he was also dating somebody else. He was still struggling with the recent death of his mother, and was kind of fragile. I was struggling in my own relationship, and wanting out.

I began to notice MA. What drew me to him was his amazingly strong arms. I finally broke it off with the other guy, and it was not pretty. His mother was as much a part of our dating as we were. So she was also a huge part of our break up. He was also breaking up with his girlfriend. I had already begun to flirt with him, he thought I had something in my eye.

I made it known over the next few weeks that I wanted to go out with him. He said that he didn't think that I would really go out with him, so didn't ask me out. I was beginning to think that he didn't like me, and told our friend Maria that he must not like me. Maria was older than us, and loved playing matchmaker. She ASSURED me that he did like me, and from what I understand, lit a fire under him. He asked me out the next day.

We went on our first date that weekend. In his little white Ford Escort, he played the Bee Gees "Stayin' Alive" the whole night. It is a wonder there was a second date, much less 3 kids. The rest, as they say, is history. (Who is "they" anyway, because who ever "they" is sure says a lot.)

We were basically inseparable, as much as my father would allow us to be. We married roughly two years later when I was 18 and he was 20.

look, I was skinny...awwww...I miss being skinny.

Roughly 3 years later we had our first child, Makayla. Then 24months and 3 days later we had our second child, Cameron, and then 3 years and 19 days later we had our third child, Olivia. I have spent the last 8 years of our marriage pregnant or nursing.

We have now been married 10 years, he is still my perfect match. His laid back personality is well matched with my high strung, animated personality. We compliment each other well. I love him more today than I did the day we married. He makes my life easy to live. *every body say awwwwwwww*

Here we are more recently

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