As she continues with this language explosion, and starts to put words and sentences together, she continually amazes us at what she can say. So sit back and enjoy this little glimpse into our personal favorite dictionary.
Pickle: as in "this little pickle went to market, this little pickle stayed home, this little pickle had roast beef, this little pickle had none and this little pickle went wee wee wee all the way home"
Beet: as in what a horn on a car says or what you say when you pinch your nose. beet beet!!
One we all know and love; Bippo those big animals that like to lounge in water, of which Olivia has a stuffed replica that she sleeps with that guards her at night.
Zeus: the liquid that comes from apples, grapes etc...that she drinks gallons of a week.
Sissy bet: as in, "I want to sleep in sissy bet"
Pity: as in "OOOOOOOOH Pity!!
and my personal favorite;
Rubber: "mama! I rubber you!" finished with a big baby hug.
what is not to "rubber" about that??!!
Olivia and her big "bubby" your heart melting??
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