See the thing is, tonight when I opened my refrigerator to get out water, I was met with this sitting on the bottom shelf. The thing is...I was not at all shocked. Never did I wonder why that was there, or even hardly give it a thought other than a chuckle and to snap a quick picture. I in fact retrieved my water and shut the door, leaving them there in that place, because I knew that they would soon be needed again by the little person who left them there.
When you have a young boy in the house, it is not uncommon to find binoculars in the refrigerator or bubble bath in the commode (true story, happened Sunday). Never would I try to analyze why when he ran out of socks, the first place I searched...and found them was under his mattress. Or why when we ran out of sipper cups that I first searched under his bed. (nothing smells better than two week old apple juice...blah)
I do not question him when he comes out of his room, supposedly ready for bed, wearing sweat pants (it is 90+ degrees) three..1.2.3 shirts, flip flops from two different pairs, on the wrong feet and his Spiderman life jacket. I have come to understand that this is, in fact sleepwear for an almost 5 year old boy.
No...I no longer question these things, I do not fight the inevitable...I know that some day I will surely wash a frog or be able to refill the sand box with the contents of my washing machine. These are the trials, idiosyncrasies and absolute joys of little boys, that will all-to-soon outgrow his Spiderman life jacket, and his little plastic binoculars will be long forgotten...but for now, I look forward to my soapy commode and fishing a helpless frog from my washing machine. These are the joys of boys.
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