I was planning on this being an epic sale. Selling everything I had and people begging me to bring more stuff out so that they could give me their money. Well, it was a pretty good weekend, we met our original, more realistic, non-epic goal. The Good-Will got a nice fat donation, and I am exhausted.
Lets review this weekend shall we?
Here we have MA, he is loading the furniture onto Phil, who we will meet later. See how beautiful the day is? See the bright blue sky? See the sun shine? Yeah, it was 30% humidity and 95 degrees. Lets just say, MA was not so thrilled that I Was snapping pictures of him, instead of helping.
MA again...see how happy he is??
Here is Phil. Ain't he purdy? He is our pack-mule. We haul everything on Phil. Phil is a good ol' truck
Ok, so pictures of the junk..er.um..I mean VERY VALUABLE STUFF.
This is the staple of every southern yard sale. The *hay wagon-O junk* You would not believe it, but it is NOT a yard sale here, with out this...it just isn't done.
Toys anyone? Don't some of you need a stuffed animal or 15? Come-ON I know that you all need at least a dozen or so.
Here we have further proof that my children have way too many clothes.
And some more proof that the above table started eluding too.
There you have it. I sold most of my baby gear, all that is left is a bassinet, a Boppy and an exer-saucer. I also sold all of my maternity clothes, which no doubt means that I will announce a pregnancy soon if Murphy's law holds true. *No I'm not planning to announce a pregnancy mom, put your jaw back in socket*
All of this said, we are exhausted but pleased with how it went. Now off to spend it on new stuff for the house!
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