Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Time for an update

It has been too long since I have given an update on the happenings in this nut house.

The results from MAs' job hunt is non-existent. He has applied so many places but there just isn't a job to be had. I know that there is a reason that God is allowing our family to deal with this, and I praise HIM, because I know that His plan is perfect. We have not once felt scared or uneasy. There is a peace that only faith in Him can provide. Please continue to pray for our family, and the many many other families in the same position we find ourselves in.

The kids are amazing, growing and ready for spring to come. They really want to play outside and, trust me...I can't wait for them to be able to.

Tax season is more than half over. It has been a great season, Praise God. Exhausting but as interesting as ever. It has been a blessing that MA has been home with the kids and has seen to their needs and all of the things that they need.

During the last big wind storm the kids swing set was broken. We had set back some money from tax season to purchase them a new swing set, however those plans have been derailed. Last weekend we found out that we have some major septic and lateral field issues. Our septic tank is in the process of being replaced. We have a hole in our back yard that you could drive a car in. Said hole is full of nasty water that is absolutely nauseating to be near. Nice huh? Yeah. So our plan to purchase the new swing set seemed to be lost until we found out that it should be covered under our home owners insurance policy. This made me very happy. I will turn this in tomorrow and hopefully we can still get the swing set. I really hope the replacement of our septic tank is finished soon and the hole filled back in and my yard put back is really bad right now.

So anyway...this is our update...things are ok. We are doing fine. I have an exciting opportunity...I'm not ready to talk about it yet, just to say that if I get this contract it will pay the tuition for the kids next year. Please pray that this goes well for us. God is good and has never let us down yet...I do not expect Him to start today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

just wanted to give you a kudos on this post. Love it and it made me smile. I love the fact that you can still praise God and thank him..when most people would be depressed with the situation you guys are in. You are an inspiration for others..and I agree...God should be his plan is perfect! Love you!