Back it up..Back it up..Back it up...
(Cameron says this all the time, it is very cute)
There is Makayla watching the truck...she was better...(but not well enough to go to school mmm hmmmm)
Here is my dads new puppy..Chay (pronounced Shy). She is watching the happenings...I swear he loves that dog more than us.
The very nice man driving the septic tank truck...what a crappy job....hahahah! Yes I know that was a very bad pun.
Guiding the several hundred pound tank into the ground.
Here is my dad and the nice truck driver man lowering the tank into the ground.
Lil Miss Olivia watching. (you know there has to be some cute-ness in the midst of all the dirt)
Almost there!
Well..he was he wants our money so he can leave. Bye mean..Bye nice septic tank truck driver man!
Makayla has found Chay...she could care less about the truck, the tank or the big toys in the front yard.
The rest of the day was spent fairly uneventfully, not much progress was made on the tank or septic system. Bryan spent some time leveling out the yard and then..and then...and then...
My dad decided to set the big pile of dead brush on fire NEXT to my house. Why would we want to move it away or you know...wait until the WIND is NOT blowing?? Naah...Lets just burn it.
Look a pile of rock in my drive way.
Sorry...what was I talking about?
Look my boy is playing on the big toy! I love this picture.
What was I talking about again?
Oh yes...the fire....Next to my house.
1 comment:
I know you could care less about my input of your pictures..but, I have to say...your camera rocks! The sky in the first few is awesome!! And the pic of the dog in the truck(I think) the color and clarity is fabulous. Then the ones taken at night...Rock On!! I'm impressed :D Love ya girl.
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