This picture looks suspiciously like the last broken water line man stooped over the hole working and one or two others watching and offering their support. (and they call women strange for going to the restroom together) See Zarie in the back ground, she is supervising.
Look, the smoldering pile of brush that was the fire...
They decided that our old water line was too close to the surface anyway, and needed to be replaced. Mmm..hmmm.... of course this has nothing to do with the fact that he just shredded our old line does it?
Naaaaa. that water supposed to be dripping from the line Bryan? Is there supposed to be a puddle under it?
He assures me that it is fine...umm...ok then.
Ah yes..this is much better..a bright blue water line ON TOP of the ground... lets review;
A large gaping hole in our front yard...with a new septic tank in it
A large gaping hole in our back yard...with sewage in it.
A track-ho
A Bull-dozer
A smoldering pile of brush
A pile of dirt
A pile of rock
and a bright blue water line my yard.................
Yes...I do think I could use some ice cream...thank you.
1 comment:
Nice. Dad has such a knack for....destroying things. I've always wondered why he always seems to insist on BREAKING the old line, instead of just FIXING it. And when he is informed that he can't break the water line, he simply destroys the gas line and BREAKS BROADWAY! "They'll let me take out the water line next time!"
*sigh* The ramblings of a school-weary teenager...on cold medicine :D
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