See this pretty new yellow lawn ornament? Everyone should have one. should be your new goal in life. You envy me don't you? Oh, yes and the lovely 5ft deep hole in the front need that too.

Oh look...he is making it bigger.........

Look at our hole...isn't it nice? This is where our new septic tank will be. Just beyond that, will be our new lateral field...along with several hundred dollars of our money.

Here is the dude that is digging the hole, Bryan. Bryan is a long time friend, I guess it is good that somebody we trust is digging in our yard, you wouldn't want someone that you don't trust putting in your new poop holding tank...that is a sensitive job. Look how happy he is in that big ol' toy. That is every mans dream I guess.

See..every mans dream...even little men. Look how cute he is in his little work boots and his house coat.

Speaking of feet...does something look strange here?

Speaking of lovely holes, remember me speaking of the noxious hole with the old tank? Yes..well here it is, see we have a matching pair.


Look, it's my man :)

Uh Oh...He is off of the toy and on the phone.....there must be a problem

Yes...there is definitely a problem...
Ah..I was informed, they hit the water line...yet another thing...yay.

Well..this little face will brighten my day any day. Poor little Makayla didn't get to watch the fun digging today, she had a sick tummy and was stuck in bed.

WAIT!! Where are you going??? Don't leave!! Don't you see the BIG gaping HOLE in my yard??? Come back!!!
.................................oh...MA...are you sure? Ok...he informed me that he will be coming back tomorrow......
This story will definitely be continued.