Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Report Card Day

It has been the tradition (can you call two years of doing something tradition?) that when a report card with straight A's (or the best representation of you giving 100% and doing your absolute best) that person gets to choose a special meal.

Today is report card day.

Makayla is the only person bringing home a report card right now, so this tradition only applies to her....see...tradition...or tradition beginning. Anyway, she brought home straight A's.

I asked her today what she wanted for her special meal...she answered "I want the Snowy Owl Webkinz"

What??? She is breaking with tradition and it is still in it's infancy.


Oh Well. We will go get the Owl for her and hopefully next report card day she will get back on tradition. Needless to say we are very proud of her and her accomplishment. She is a smart smart girl.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's so funny!! I looked for the snowy owl when I was at Hallmark on the 16th. No such luck or you would have had me on the phone. Then you'd hear me in my best Makayla songtone voice, "But Momma!"