Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Report Card Day

It has been the tradition (can you call two years of doing something tradition?) that when a report card with straight A's (or the best representation of you giving 100% and doing your absolute best) that person gets to choose a special meal.

Today is report card day.

Makayla is the only person bringing home a report card right now, so this tradition only applies to her....see...tradition...or tradition beginning. Anyway, she brought home straight A's.

I asked her today what she wanted for her special meal...she answered "I want the Snowy Owl Webkinz"

What??? She is breaking with tradition and it is still in it's infancy.


Oh Well. We will go get the Owl for her and hopefully next report card day she will get back on tradition. Needless to say we are very proud of her and her accomplishment. She is a smart smart girl.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I am totally in control

As I was looking through some pictures on my computer, I came upon this shot of MA and I at his cousins wedding last fall.

As I replayed portions of that weekend through my mind, I remembered taking the kids to the Nashville Zoo, and really enjoying our day. Makayla was the flower girl in the wedding, so once we left the zoo, we came back to our hotel and dressed for the wedding. I rolled and fixed Makaylas hair complete with glitter. She wore this beautiful ivory dress and looked like a princess.
Here the kids are in the bamboo forest area at the zoo.

See princes...I told you.

As the night carried on, the family was celebrating at the reception, we ate and talked and had a very nice time. As the hour approached 8:30 or so, Cameron began to become tired.

Do you know what happens when Cameron becomes tired? Many children will get quiet and still as they begin to drift off to sleep, not Cameron escalates, he gets faster, louder and harder to handle.

By 9:00 pm, the bride and groom were opening their gifts and Cameron was in the floor spinning, on his belly. Then running around the house that was full of people, outside, inside and just all around getting more and more unruly.

At this time MA and I like to pretend that we have every thing under control. You see, we had Makayla, and when I told her to sit down, she sat down...see, I CAN parent. *points to child who is NOT acting like an escaped zoo monkey* Olivia....well she was an infant, so I had her under control...see...see..I told you I can parent. No, please pay no attention to the escalating 4 year old boy who is now helping the bride and groom unwrap their gifts.

It is at this point MA takes Cameron by the arm and in a valiant show of parenting power gets right in his face, nose to nose, and explains to him that we have told him 29383987 times that he can not climb on top of the counters and dance. No, you cant play in the fountain on the patio either. No you may not ask the bride and groom for the money they just received so you can go buy that stuffed alligator that you saw at the zoo today and mom and dad would not buy. Cameron you will sit down on this chair and not move until I tell you that you can.

Cameron....Cameron...I said sit down...*sigh*

Now I, being the parenting expert *snicker snicker* that I am makes the astute observation that we probably should make our exit. What caused me to reach this decision? When I looked down as we were saying our goodbyes and Cameron was sitting on my foot with his arms and legs wrapped around my leg. Did I mention I was in heels? No? Well I Was. So picture this with Olivia on my hip, purse on my shoulder, 4 year old kid wrapped around my leg.

Yep....totally in control.....

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Tax Season Begins

The insanity is in full force.

And by insanity...I truly mean insanity.

If you could only hear the questions that I get asked on a daily basis.

If it weren't for the laws that guard privacy I would write a book. However the government frowns on that, so I will keep the craziness to myself.

Just know that we are working 50-70 hours a week and doing 30-80 tax returns a day. Come join the insanity.

Since I can't share the insanity of tax season with you in detail, I will share the insanity of the weather. The state of Kentucky has been declared a disaster is why;