Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thanksgiving, short trip, shopping, a funeral and job woes

A catch up thread:

Thanksgiving day we packed up the van, ready to skip out on the holiday. Preparing to leave the dysfunction that holidays inevitably bring out in all families, the stress of Michael's impending job changes and life in general behind for a few days. We didn't make it out scott free however. My grandma called, she had purposely cooked early so we could eat before our planned escape time of noon. Bless her heart, we contemplated escaping early but decided that even with all of the dysfunction, we love our family dearly and stayed for lunch.

While eating, my grandfather got up from the table and to the bathroom, he had a piece of turkey stuck in his esophagus. This is not the first time this has happened and not thinking it was going to be a big deal, we loaded to kidlets into the van and away we went.

Wrong. Papaw ended up having minor surgery that evening to clear the obstruction. He was home that night but still.....crazy.

Our trip was nice, relaxing, we got most of the Christmas presents bought for the adults in our families. I am, however, a lame brain and forgot my camera, so you will just have to take my word for it, it was fun.

On our way home my mom called. My great aunt had passed away. Her funeral was was so sad to see my grandmother mourn the loss of her sister-in-law. She was the first of her six siblings and their spouses to pass away. It is also very sobering for me to think that someday I will lose my grandparents, it is not a thought I want to entertain.

Moving on to more fun stuff...Mikes work has been slow. They laid off two people which means we lost our bid and are now back on the flex board. What is the flex ask? It means we are not guaranteed work. It is also swing shift, days nights, whenever...we will never know day to day...hour to hour. It is also a 20-40% pay cut.

So um...yeah.

We are ok though God has never let us down, and I do not expect Him to start now. We made it for two years on the flex board and we can do it again. God will support us spiritually and financially.

Now...on to Christmas!! Tree is up this to follow :)

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