Wednesday, December 10, 2008

First, um............?snow?

"SNOW SNOW SNOW!" was the excited shriek that came from down the hall where the kids had been playing.

I peeked out the window and sure enough, snow was falling. Pretty, soft and silent snow flakes. I adore snow. I love watching it fall, I love the crunch when walking on newly fallen flakes. I adore the quiet-peacefulness of a snowfall.


When it snows and my three small children see it, they can think of nothing else but going outside to play. This requires that I bundle them up in three layers of clothes, boots, hats and scarves. They go running outside and play in the snow for about 10 minutes and then come back in the house. Cold, wet and stripping layers. I do laundry for the rest of the day while I clean up the dirty snow from the floor.

Anyway, lets take a peek at the fun ten minutes the kids spent outside in the ?snow? Well snow is a stretch....skiff...dusting....only enough to make snow to make the kids excited and my floor wet and dirty.

Look..the snow is so deep...I can barely see my children. KIDS! KIDS!! Where are you!?


brat in training

baby doll

so happy that I bundled him up like an Eskimo...see how happy he is?

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