I woke up this morning
and..and...and....and there were TWO MORE! I blinked hard and no...there were still two more. I looked at MA and gave him
THE LOOK. "Did you do this to me?" I asked.
he answered, "no, you did this to yourself"
"oooohhhh...yeah, that's right, I forgot"
I had told Misty, (remember her from the birthday party post...the one who could have never found true love and happiness with out me, she NEEEEEEEEEEEDED me to find the ONE person who would put up with I mean marry I mean the one person who would love her forever (I kid Misty...maybe.... :P)) anyway, she has spawned three children of her own, and asked me to watch her two oldest one day this week. Her girls are 6(almost) and 7, and are great friends with Makayla.
They arrived early in the morning much to the joy of my own babes. Like the
PERFECT mother I am I fixed pancakes, like I do every morning (I will repeat my disclaimer here of breakfast, "EVERY" in this case means maybe once a month, or when the moon is blue) because you see, I am
SUPER MOM!!CAMERON...quit pulling on my super mom cape!!
ok....moving on, Cameron took off with my Super Mom cape...mumbling something about me getting stuff from his toy box...dang kids and wanting to play with their toys.
Misty brings her kids who have not eaten in DAYS, or at least 20minutes.
(if one is going to take pictures of her house, one should remove the basket of laundry eh?)

poor poor little malnourished children...if they only could eat at home....**shakes head in despair**

It was not long until the girls had located Makaylas make up. Let me tell you, when you turn 3 6-7 year old girls loose with make up, many things happen, including glittery hair, perfume to make you choke, several colors of lip gloss, eye shadow, blush and finger nail polish..all at one the same girl.
See Makayla in the back ground getting ready to attack somebody with more hair glitter?
What are they doing under my cabinets?

Get out of my cabinets child! What is my child doing? Is she trying to get IN the cabinet?
Mayci looking not to badly attacked.
uh oh, the little brother is crashing the party...
Look, these three have found Sponge Bob...we love Sponge Bob.