could you not love these four humans and that one fluffy canine?
I love MA, I love fall too. I am in all sorts of love today.
I love fall because it is cool, the bugs are gone, it feels clean and crisp. Oh, and pumpkin patch trips. The colors of fall are so vibrant and deep much like the deep oranges of the pumpkins, the bright yellow and red of the trees or the crisp brown of the end of the corn field and the sweet aroma of ripe apples. All of these previous things are found at the pumpkin patch.
So come with me on our recent pumpkin patch adventure..........
Makayla insisted that we bring Alyce along, adamant that she would thoroughly enjoy the sights, sounds and smells of fall as much as we do.
Makayla loves taking pictures with Alyce....
Can we please get one where they are looking at me? Probably not....
Take it fast, I finally got them to look at me. Actually I told them I was not going to leave them alone and let them play on the fun obstacle course until they looked at me. I am a mean mama.
Well, I almost got them all. Two out of three isn't bad, but seriously...she is cute anyway...who cares if she is looking at me or not.
The rest of the afternoon was so much fun for us and the kids. Cameron drove a tractor
They did have baby cows in pens in the back of the property, but our kids were not impressed, they can walk to our back yard any day and see cows.
As the afternoon came to a close, we began the all important pumpkin choosing. We told them they could have a 5.00 pumpkin, we then showed them where those pumpkins were. Like dutiful little children Makayla and Cameron picked pumpkins from that area, Cameron choosing a white pumpkin and Makayla choosing a funny shaped field pumpkin.

While the two older babes were picking out their pumpkin, Lil' Miss Olivia had wandered to the large pumpkins in the 7.00 row. We gently re-directed her to the 5.00 pumpkins, but once that girl has her mind made up, there is no changing it. However, I ask do you say no to this?
Now she is saying "mama...daddy! Help me!" I swear...this will come back to bite us some day, but right now...I just can not say no to that.
I really do love Fall.
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