Yesterday my dad (the other major male figure in my life) took down a half dead tree in our front yard. This tree was not only half dead but was a visual obstruction when trying to back out of our drive way. Papaw wanted that wood for his wood stove, to use this winter.
Bright and early this morning, he called and wanted to know if MA was ready to help him. Of course, he is always ready to help papaw.
Did I mention that he is, quite possibly, the best man ever? He is the kind of man that this country was built on the backs of. Hard working, simple, and the best papaw ever. When any of my kids spot him from across the room, or across the yard, they yell; "PAPAW!" and run as fast as possible until reaching him. This is the reaction most of us have. I love my papaw.
MA is of course my MAN. Much like my papaw, he is hard working and simple. Does not require much frill in life, with the exception of a new toy now and then. He loves his family more than life, and the kids have much the same reaction when they see him as they do when they see papaw. I love my man too.
Watching them work together today, well...I just love watching them work together, it makes my day a little brighter. So go through this day with me....
Here is the "hole" that the tree came out of. There is MA with the chain0 saw...more of him in a minute. First, lets just gaze at this hole for a minute. Look at the massive-ness (is that a word?) of this hole, look how tiny that grown man seems standing next to this. Yes, this is in my front yard, right next to the road, yes...lovely.
This is the root ball of the was a BIG tree.
For reference, this is Olivia standing next to it.
Here they are up in the branches working on trimming off of the small pieces.
Here is my papaw carrying off some branches. Did I mention that he is 79 years old? How about this, two years ago...he broke three vertebrae in his neck and had surgery to repair it. See...I told you that is an amazing man.
Discussing things; life, elections, trees, logs. You know...things that really matter.
Nothing makes you as proud of your man as watching him handle power tools.
Again, working together..did I tell you that he is 79 years old?
Look at that fore arm....
there he goes again, handling those power tools.....
Olivia watching, wondering why I had her out so early, standing in front of huge trees and listening to that loud whirring thing.
At this point papaw was telling a joke to MA, he told me too, but I can't remember it. All that matters is that he is 79 years old and had a broken neck but can still tell a joke.
Zarie was all sorts of confused.
And later, MA on my dads Bobcat, scaring me to death I was so afraid he was going to go over that hill. He was filling in the huge gaping hole with some left over dirt.
Yeah, showing off a little. Yeah MA, I see your big 'ol bucket.
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