We will spend today watching the fun that unfolded at the birthday extravaganza
First, this is one of our life guards, a very...VERY patient woman.
arriving friends...This is Gabe, he is the son of Ashley, remember her? the whiz with a camera? He really likes to play with Cameron, he is very patient with him.
Makayla waiting for the life guards to give the OK for them to get in the pool.
Makayla and her friends as they arrived.
Ben, running to join his friends, he was a little late.
Zoe getting in the pool.
Emma pushing Makayla around in a float.
The smaller kids in the shallow pool...see Olivia running towards the water? She is the one with the cute yellow butt.
Mayci, another of Makaylas friends.
Cameron and Seth...oh man...these two are a pair!
Seth and his brother River.
Cameron being cute.
Olivia "swimming"
There aren't more of Olivia in the pool because she spent most of her time being cuddled by grandma, or mamaw or papaw or Ashley...there was no shortage of people for her to cuddle with.
And last, do you want to make your grandmother fuss at you for the next week? If so, let her watch your seven year old do this:
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