Tuesday, July 29, 2008

English according to Olivia...part III

Now she is starting to put sentences together and is still in the midst of her language explosion, so I will share a few with you.

MAMA! Pulla! Binket! *patting the "pulla"* Translation: Mama, lay on the pillow and get under the blanket.

Ca-ful..don fawl *usually while climbing from the side table to the couch* Translation: Be careful, don't fall (I wonder where she has heard that?)

cue-me: what she says when she burps..cue-me (how cute is that??!!)

u keerd?: This usually what she says to me when it is thundering outside and she is worried about me...she can usually be found patting my leg while saying this....again..how much cuter can she be??

ba-pak: she does not understand why she can't have one..bubby and sissy just got new ones!

Lela: her big sister

Mameron: her big brother

Baby: her

I hope you have enjoyed yet another glimpse into her sweet little mind!

1 comment:

Robin Pruitt said...

awww! so sweet! i love toddler talk!