Tuesday, July 29, 2008
English according to Olivia...part III
MAMA! Pulla! Binket! *patting the "pulla"* Translation: Mama, lay on the pillow and get under the blanket.
Ca-ful..don fawl *usually while climbing from the side table to the couch* Translation: Be careful, don't fall (I wonder where she has heard that?)
cue-me: what she says when she burps..cue-me (how cute is that??!!)
u keerd?: This usually what she says to me when it is thundering outside and she is worried about me...she can usually be found patting my leg while saying this....again..how much cuter can she be??
ba-pak: she does not understand why she can't have one..bubby and sissy just got new ones!
Lela: her big sister
Mameron: her big brother
Baby: her
I hope you have enjoyed yet another glimpse into her sweet little mind!
Monday, July 28, 2008
When parenting goes wrong
Cameron and Makayla had been working on two baskets of towels for over an hour. Cameron was sitting on the couch watching SpongeBob, and Makayla was only half working on the towels, but she was doing enough to stay out of trouble. I said to Cameron; "Cameron, get up and fold towels." "Cameron get up now" "Cameron, now...1.....2....." "I'm getting up mommy!" He proceeds to finish the folding task, and life continues.
Fast Forward 15 minutes. Olivia is sitting at the table drinking juice. She finishes that cup and wants a refill. I was busy doing other things, and she said "mommy, I want zeus" I say, "ok baby, in a minute" She sits patiently for 2.3 seconds, "mommy, I want zeus" to which I reply, "ok, in a minute" "mommy, I want zeus 1....2....1!"
Through the tears of laughter, I refilled her cup before I got a time out!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Birthday pictures
Done yet? Ok, lets continue
So on Monday night, I picked up Makayla and Cameron from Bible school at 9pm and set out on an hour long drive to my partner in crimes house. Ashley is not only our photographer, she is the person who listens to me whine, and cares that my kids are constipated (of course I have listened to my fair share of whining and constipation stories). Anyway, we arrive and the kids run to jump in bed with her own kidlets. We settle in for a night of catching up (both of our men work nights) we hadn't seen each other in nearly 6 months. At 4am we drug ourselves to the bed and passed out, only for our heathens..er..um adorable children to wake up at 8:30 AM.
We drug ourselves up and threw some pancakes at the kids and dressed for the afternoon of picture taking. One of the main reasons for the visit was to take birthday pictures of my kids.
Lets begin by saying that Makayla and Cameron wanted to play, not smile. Makayla spent most of the morning pouting, we were able to coax a few nice facial expressions from her, and catch a smile here and there, and with Ashley's magic photo shopping, I know they will be amazing, as usual.
Cameron also did his fair share of whining, but give the boy a large stick and let him swing it around and he will be happy. We did this and he was. We got some really good shots of him as well.
This brings us to Olivia. Did I mention that she is a ham? She gives coy little glances with her amazing blue eyes. Sweet smiles glint across her face, right before she would hurl one of Ashley's carefully placed props at her head. She never stopped posing and grinning, and her shots are also great.
I am telling you all of this to tease you a little. I do not have the pictures available to me to post yet. I can only leave it to your imagination for a week or two. I can tell you we photographed (I say we like I did something other than stand behind Ashley and say..."Don't hit your sister!") SHE photographed at railroad tracks, a state park and in her studio. She has the patience of Job and is amazing at her craft. You, however, won't get to see the proof of this. So I will just dangle it in front of you while you salivate.
Well...I have one little picture you can see, maybe. Have you been good today? Did you eat all of your fiber?
Yes? Ok, I will let you have a sneak peak.
See I told you she was good.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
We have, in the last week, caught 4 count em' 1...2...3...4 mice in this house. I blame this on the nice farmer across the road that so sweetly planted about 15 acres of no-till corn. Thanks mister farmer man.
How many more do you think there are? I am ready to torch the place! MA keeps telling me to chill and he will take care of the possible entry places this weekend. He promises to bleach the house, floors and cabinets until this house smells like a swimming pool. He promises...MA better follow through!
Stay tuned for updates.....
Sunday, July 20, 2008
A guide; How to make your children happy
2. stay at papaws and play with all of his usually off limit goodies until it is time to go.
3. take your children to the Golden Arches and buy them the rare treat of the toy-meal, instead of just a burger and a shared drink.
**at this point they will be deliriously happy, and wonder how the night can get any better....but know, you have more plans**
4. turn the car towards the park, and listen to them squeal with delight and shock as you pull in to eat at the pic-nic table.
5. watch them scarf down a burger and run off with the freedom of the park
6. stay at the park until it is dark
7. bring them home, and shower them and change the sheets on their beds.
8. tuck them in with a short movie (remember we are shattering rules)
9. watch as they drift off to sleep in with a blissful smile
10. know that you have now set a new standard for fun, and begin to plan their next impromptu, rule-smashing night.
Friday, July 18, 2008
I know God made them for a reason;
Why, you might ask, is my vacuum surrounded by glue traps?
Because tonight as I was sitting here unwinding, I hear; *pop chew nibble pop pop chew pop nibble chew*. I walk towards the noise and it stops. I stood silently until I hear it again *pop chew nibble*.
There is a mouse, UNDER my vacuum??? Why would it want to be under my vacuum??
Mike isn't here so I stuck glue traps around it, but if something runs out...I will die!
I know God made them, I know they have a purpose, but I feel fairly certain that the purpose is not to live under my vacuum.
GO AWAY and serve your purpose somewhere else!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Wild Blackberries
I told them that they would soon be ripe and we could pick some. Tonight was that night. (here would be a good time to point out that the neighboring property is my dads, we aren't picking blackberries off of some random persons land)
I grabbed two little bowls and we headed down the road
Olivia was riding, but don't be fooled, she was excited about the "bewies" too. <---------look at her sweet little feet
Makayla and Cameron arrived at the bush before I did, and I could be heard saying "DON'T PICK THE PINK ONES! Only pick the BLACK ONES!"
As I arrived on scene, I was pleased to find that in fact they had waited on me to pick anything. Why? Because; "mmmommmmyyy...something is buzzing down in there"
June Bugs were having an evening snack, after I convinced them that the large green bugs would not sting, bite, eat or in any other way harm them, they were picking berries like there was no tomorrow.
All was well in berry land...until..........
Cameron found the defense mechanism that God put in place for blackberries; thorns. (no, that is not blood on his shirt, that is a smashed blackberry) After this unfortunate incident, the berry picking was over as he wailed all the way back to the house for a Batman band-aid. As you know, Batman band-aids cure everything.
We did manage to pick some berries before the great thorn incident, here is our haul for tonight. There are still a lot of pink berries that will soon be ripe, we will attempt to get them another day.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Introductions continued; Felix the Fearless Feline
Felix really has no purpose other than being a cute grey kitty that takes up space and breathes oxygen. He is fat, lazy and fluffy. He does, however, have his redeeming qualities. He is immensely patient with Olivia as she pulls his tail while saying "mere meow, mere" (translation; come here kitty, come here). Or as she tries to ride him like a horse, he simply lays there until she tires of that game. Of course as soon as she leaves him he takes off like a bullet, to be sure he is not be subjected to that again for an hour or so.
His main job is to guard our home. Much like Zarie, he guards us fearlessly. He is stealth, quiet and unassuming. Ready to pounce at a moments notice to protect us from all that is dangerous. In fact, I have proof of his amazing dedication...see here as he is ever alert...waiting for any danger to arise;
Aren't you in awe of his state of readiness? Yes...this is Felix...every home should have a Felix.
Friday, July 11, 2008
The English Language according to Olivia; part two
Sho-shur; as in what you do when you are dirty...take a sho-shur.
Rarie; our doggie, the one that you met earlier...Rarie
beena; a yellow fruit that has a lot of potassium
hello; the thing we talk on when somebody calls, the hello
teetza; that yummy food that is delivered
I hope you have enjoyed this little glimpse into out little one's budding vocabulary.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Our 4th
With the sudden death of MA's grandmother, our 4th was kind of on the back burner. We usually go down and park Phil (remember Phil) at the lake to watch the big fire works show. You have to park the day before to ensure a good spot. Then we get up early eat breakfast, watch the parade, spend all day in town, have a cook out and watch the fireworks. This year, we did get up and go to the parade, but that was about all. We had to come back home to start getting ready for the visitation that evening. We didn't want the kids to miss out on ALL of the festivities....but as you will soon learn, we should have just stayed in bed.
As we got out of the van headed to watch the parade....just take a moment here to notice how the sun was not shining and that it was kind of um....grey.
So from here we hiked a little distance to the parade site, found a nice street side seat and settled in for the fun. The parade started, about 15 minutes late. As it began, the sprinkles came, but as quickly as they came they stopped. No biggie, we can handle some sprinkles. The parade lasted roughly 40 minutes, as it progressed, the rain was coming and going, until it settled in for the morning. A washing rain, a rain that came with large rain drops that plopped as they hit you. Here it would be helpful to point out that we didn't have the accompaniment of an umbrella. So we sat waiting for the parade to end so we could make our escape. Finally we were able to make a dash back to the van, not before we were touched by at least 200,000 rain drops each. There was not a dry stitch on any of us. Remember the cute dryness of the above picture....here they are as we reached the van to squish home.
notice how her previously fluffy and perky pig-tails are now droopy and wet.
See how her shirt sticks to her ever so clingy, look at her hair as it droops under the weight of the fully-clothed shower we enjoyed.
Yes, even the mighty mohawk fell to the rain.
It was a messy day, as I said, we should have stayed in the bed.
Monday, July 7, 2008
We love you Nana
In her 88 years she was able to experience more than most women of her era could only dream of. She visited many countries, traveled all over the United States and cared so deeply for each of her children, grand children and great grand children. Up until the end she knew her loved ones and could call them by name. She slipped silently out of the pain of this world and into the glory of The Father in her sleep.
She left behind many who love her and who are still in awe at her amazing spirit, and the way she lived her life. She lived each day in true love of those around her. In the 12 years that I was blessed to know her I never heard her have a harsh word. She would sometimes call MA by his brothers name or call our children our names, but would always correct her self and smile as she reached out her thin frail hand for a hug. Always sure to tell you she loved you when you came in and when you left.
I still grin at the stories that have come out over the last 4 days. The fond memories that her family have of her and the strength and grace that she exhibited over the years of her amazing life.
Nana, we all miss you and we still love you.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Shouldn't you be sleeping?
Baby...let mama have your hat..it's time for bed
Olivia.......it's time for bed...Olivia....*sigh*
if she wasn't so cute this would be very tiring
I won! The hat is mine, she is headed to bed. (yes I know that most kids put ON clothes for bed, but not her. She removes them.)
Look how sweet she is climbing in bed with her sissy.
*1 hour and five trips down the hall*
Olivia...aren't you supposed to be sleeping??
See Makayla catching flys in the background...she was long asleep
"Oh, hey mama..I'm in bed, you want me to sleep too?"
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Very Excited
We met because we hold in common a painful history. We have both suffered miscarriages. She has taken the bull by the horns and jumped with both feet into developing a ministry/counseling program that helps women who have dealt with early infant loss, miscarriage and still birth. However, her dream does not only include helping the women, but the families of these women. The people that love them most, but do not know how to approach, talk to or help through the grief. To help friends understand the physical toll that these losses take as well as the emotional and psychological. She has a dream and is following the lead of The Lord to make it come to reality. Just listening to her story, and hearing of all that The Lord has placed in her lap to help her along gives me such excitement.
I am so happy that she is allowing me to follow her around and help in anyway I can to get this off of the ground. It is such a needed ministry, since there is not one like it. There is so much grey area surrounding these women. With the work of The Lord through her hands, the light will begin to clear up the grey.
I am very excited to be any part if this project that I can.