Sunday, May 25, 2008


Today at lunch, Makayla said, "mom we need to start our own website so everybody can read about us". I replied, "do you think people really want to read about what we do?" Her answer was an adamant "YES" so, here we are.

I don't really know why anyone would want to read about our unassuming life, but my vivacious 6 year old daughter is determined that everybody in the universe wants to know all about what we do daily, and all of her mommies "yummy recipes" ;)

So we begin. I am a 28 year old mom to 3 amazing kids. Ages 6, 4 and 21 months. pink, blue, pink. Are we done having kids? Most likely. My husband and I have been married for 10 years...for those who aren't mathmatically inclined, that means I married at 18. My husband just turned 30...and is OOOOOOLLLLDDDD!!! haha.

Today we woke up way too early, mostly because O (our 21m old) has an alarm clock in her hiney that does not let her sleep past 6:30, and with summer vacation only a week away, we are going to have to fix that...either through nature or benadryl (only kidding...maybe) We lounged in bed trying to coax our daughter back to sleep, but we failed. We got up too early and began getting ready for church. Now, since we are used to getting ready in a whirl wind of lateness, we found ourselves ready to walk out the door 20 minutes before we needed to leave. This allowed time to do small tasks that rarely get done, like breakfast, lipstick application in the bathroom as opposed to the know..small tasks.

Church was very good, because our sunday school leaders are amazing. Lunch was yummy...we ate at a local Mexican restaurant...we have decided they put crack in the food, and that is why we crave it so badly. Of course chowing on some mexican was not enough, so we took a detour to Dairy Queen on the way home....yummmyyyy.....have you ever had their chocolate covered strawberry waffle bowl??? NO!!! Stop reading and go get one NOW! Come back and finish reading, but be careful to not drip ice-cream goodness on the keyboard.

are you back?? good

We spent the rest of the day trying to set up our new pretty BLUE pool! Yes, that is right, we are now the proud owners of one of those blue easy-to-assemble, break-your-back, say-cuss-words pools! The kids are elated, MA (husband) and I are not so much...well, today atleast. Maybe when the water is slightly above freezing, and we can enjoy it a little, we will be more joyous.

Well, that will be all for today, I know you will wait with much anticipation for our next installment.

1 comment:

Daners said...

Oh but you guys do have so much we the readers want to read! Like "suck it" and moose terrors.