About three months ago, Makayla told us that she wanted to cut her hair off. Now, Makayla has hair that comes down past her waist band. So to cut her hair off is a major thing.
"WHY?" asked her father, on the edge of a coronary. "Because, there are kids who are sick and they don't have any hair, they take my hair and give it to them"
Could you just not kiss her?
However, knowing how important her hair has always been to her, she LOVES her long hair. We decided to give this decision some time. Letting her think about it, stew on it. Asking periodically, "do you still want to get your hair cut?" Sometimes she would say no. Sometimes she would say yes. So we kind of let it drop, thinking that it was a passing whim.
We let it drop, until last week. I was making an appointment for today for Cameron, Makayla and myself to get trims. She heard me and asked, "am I going to give away my hair when we go to see Mrs.Tammy?" (the hair dresser) A little shocked, I said, "I thought that you had decided not to get it cut" "NO!" she replied..."I TOLD you I want to give it to kids who are sick and don't have any hair."
To be honest, my heart kind of sank. As much as SHE loves her hair, I love it too. It is kind of her calling card, she is the pretty little girl with all that long hair. We have cultivated it, cared for it and watched her go from a bald little two year old to a nearly 7 year old with this gorgeous mane of hair. I know...I know..it's just hair. But it is more. It marks a growing up of sorts. To her making her first real decision that is "body altering", taking control of a part of her life. Taking a piece away from us. While I am still the parent, and I could have vetoed the whole thing...that was not my place here. This was a giving, selfless, precious decision that she made on her own. No, my place here was to encourage and stand back and let her follow through on this desire of hers, this decision that she made to give a piece of herself, also signifying a growing up and maturing, that I am terrified and ecstatic to watch unfold.
Yes I know she is only 6, and far from making her own decisions, but this is the beginning of this transformation that will take the rest of her life, but...everything has a beginning.....this, I feel, was hers. So those tears that I stood crying? They were sadness at the fall of her gorgeous hair that I love, probably more than she does. They were tears because I was brimming with pride at the amazing heart of such a young child, who gave so freely of herself, with out a pause.
So now on to what you really want to see....
I was watching a friends kids this afternoon, so we had an audience
The peanut gallery
Getting ready for the cut
The cut
With her two 10inch ponytails
The finished product
My love!
Also today on the hair docket, was this little gem from Cameron...he was flexing his hair muscles today too....
hee hee! Daddy was so proud!