We are home from our Florida trip.
Let me begin by saying that our children (ours and Mistys and Bryans) are very good kids. Quite the troopers. They were total troopers with the ride down and the ride home. They sat in that stuffed van for 16 hours and only mildly complained. They toted around Orlando and down to the beach with big smiles and even were *mostly* patient during our Gymboree excursion....*ahem...Hayden* Not naming names or anything.........haha! Ahem...Moving on....
The trip down was nice, we stayed in Macon GA, rested some, I had a horrible sinus infection but dealt with it. We arrived on Saturday and checked into our really nice room, rested and went to bed early.
Sunday we were excited to meet Dana and her family, and to also take advantage of an awesome Gymboree sale :D. We went to the Florida Mall, enjoyed our shopping, and eating at the mall foot court...do you know what nine kids under the age of 7 looks like? Let me tell you...it was a mess. We got to have fun at the M and M superstore (do you know they charge $12.00 a pound for M and Ms there???) We went grocery shopping and I noticed that Makayla seemed quiet...I checked her temperature...she was definitely feverish at 102. Ok..no biggie, probably just some little something, let it go with some Tylenol. We had plans to go to the beach on Monday...that didn't happen.
Cameron woke up in the wee hours of the morning (like so wee that mama hadn't been to bed yet) vomiting. OH NO! sigh....Olivia followed that morning...but they seemed ok by mid morning so we went swimming and enjoyed the afternoon. Makayla had a temperature again that night, what the cause was is still a mystery.
Tuesday we did go to the beach. We stopped in the Cocoa Beach area and visited the Ron Jon surf shop, then continued down to Satellite Beach, where we met up with Dana, Landon, Bryce and Alaina. The kids had a blast, they loved playing in the waves and digging for shells in the sand. We went to Danas house and visited with them for a while and ate supper. We got back to the room, lo and behold...Makaylas temperature was back...and now Cameron had one. Seriously??? What the heck is going on. I could have packed up and left. (In fact I did beg MA to "just come get me")
Wednesday we spent swimming and lounging, Dana and Erik came over for supper that night (chicken, peppers and onions and red potatoes on the grill..mmm mmm). The night ended with a great visit and no sign of sickness. YAY!
Thursday Erik and Dana played tour guide and took us to Down Town Disney and the outlet mall. We had a blast seeing all the Disney stuff, and the Leggo store was so cool!

We went back to the resort and it was pouring down rain...so no swimming. We fixed a quick dinner and Dana and Erik came back to say good bye. After a short visit, I needed to run to Wal-Mart to pick up a few things for the trip home and began to not feel well. I came back to the room and began packing. I had to stop packing and lay down.
We went back to the resort and it was pouring down rain...so no swimming. We fixed a quick dinner and Dana and Erik came back to say good bye. After a short visit, I needed to run to Wal-Mart to pick up a few things for the trip home and began to not feel well. I came back to the room and began packing. I had to stop packing and lay down.
Before the night was over I was very very ill. Misty was up and down with me all night even checking on me when I passed out in the floor. She got up after sleeping only very little and packed the van alone with all of our junk, rounded and got the kids in the van while I dragged out behind her. We checked out of the resort and went to Wal-Mart to pick up my Phenergan prescription that I had begged be called in. I popped it and passed out. Misty drove all the way with me pretty much comatose, she was a real trooper, I owe her big. In Cobb Co GA she smacked my arm and jolted me awake...we had been pulled over. She said her cruise was set at 65 but the Police Man said he clocked her at 71, in a 50 mph zone, and in a construction zone. Nice. We continued...(at the speed limit...while cars zoomed by us on every side) and as the day went on I was feeling stronger but still very groggy from the drugs. Misty pushed to get us all the way home but gave out around Murfreesboro TN. We stopped and got a room for the night. That was a nice bed. We got up early and we smelled about as good as we looked...hahaha...no shower, we didn't even have a change of clothes. We stopped in Bowling Green KY to run into the mall to return and exchange a few Gymboree items...haha...boy did we look great. We got more than one look. We decided to eat at the mall and then head home. Two hours later we drove back into home sweet home.
As we neared home Olivia's eyes looked...weak and a little runny, by the time we got home it was obvious, it was pink eye...haha...I'm just laughing at this point. What else to do? The kids are tired, and a little grouchy but glad to be home.
Now a week later I am so glad we are home, but feel stronger for having done it. I still owe Misty a meal at Garcias. I am so glad she was there with me, she also really showed her strength...I haven't asked her but I know she feels stronger for having made this trip.