Do you know someone in your life, that when you run into them, speak to them, stand in their oxygen area you immediately are transported back to high school?
The insecurities come rushing back and you are that teenager; fighting acne, wondering if "he" likes me. Does my hair look stupid, my jeans aren't the right color, do I have a make up line? Oh Snap...what if I have a booger? "That" girl is walking down the hall on the other side, and you think, "what if she doesn't speak to me" as you square your shoulders and pretend not to care just in case she doesn't or to look your most secure in case she does. As she comes closer, she looks up and speaks. "YESSSSSSSS...I got a hello" I am accepted today. SNAP...did I have a booger? I bet I do! NOOOOOOOOOOOO....she is going to go tell everyone that I have a huge booger and I will just DIE!
Tell me you have someone like that in your life....tell me! If you don't I will just DIE!
No seriously...A woman whom is perfect, hair is always fixed, make up is impeccable, clothes that you could only wish to wear...possibly you could snap those jeans around your left thigh if you sucked it in really hard. She is 18 feet tall and 110lbs, you are 5ft something and *mumbles*lbs. She has an important job that sounds so important that you aren't even sure you know what the title means. She walks off as you are still mumbling about your three small children at home, hoping to make the excuse for why you weigh *mumbles* lbs, and why your hair was only brushed this morning (you hope it was brushed) and your cotton shorts you grabbed from the clean clothes basket on the way out the door have some sort of mystery stain, (because she, of course, doesn't have any children yet). Make up? Forget it.
As she exits your sight you are left standing in the wake feeling short and frumpy...a grape with legs. *sigh* As you waddle off to finish your original errand that drew you from your recliner this day, (if you can remember why you are there to begin with) you sigh and hope you didn't sound too stupid....or have a booger.
Then you come home, hug your three precious babes and thank GOD that you don't have the time to worry about your make up...there are more important things to hold your attention.
But....maybe it's just me, I doubt anyone else has a person in their lives like that.